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Trial Monitor is capable of connecting to multiple databases and presenting information from these databases under a single interface. Currently Trial Monitor has database connectors for SQL, Firebase, and FHIR.

Each database connector has the following responsibilities:

  • Fields selection: Selects a subset of attributes from the target tables/documents.
  • Data aggregation: Combines multiple tables/docs under a single data frame.
  • Filtering: Filters data based on the frontend state.

Database definition

Databases are defined in the site.yaml file inside the directory config/blueprints. In this file you must define a property databases which contains one or multiple database definitions, for instance:

- id: dbName
type: mysql
table: User
idField: externalID,
labelField: name
fields: [name, gender, birthDate]
- target: isAdmin
operator: '=='
value: 1

Each database definition has:

  • id: a unique string that should be defined in case there are multiple databases

  • type: sql | firebase | fhir

  • subtype: database subtype. Check the corresponding database for the available subtypes.

  • config: properties for data access. Check the corresponding database page for more information.

  • users: as a table or collection related to the users of the system always exists, it is through this property you are able to define:

    • table: the name of the table or document.
    • idField: the name of the field that holds the user identifier
    • labelField: (optional) which field will be used on the frontend to identify users'. If not provided, the idField will be used.
    • fields: an array with the fields you want to display on the participants table. If not defined, all fields will be shown.
    • filters: enables developers to filter users according to specific values.
  • structure - (optional) definition of the data structure for the database. Check the corresponding database page for more information.

  • timestampField - (optional) name of the field used for filtering data by date


Filters are defined with the property filters and consist of an array of filters. Each filter entry contains:

  • target - the attribute to be the target for filtering
  • operator - as the name implies, the operator to be applied. The available operations are defined here.
  • value - the value to be compared with
- target: isAdmin
operator: '=='
value: false

Available operations


For Hapi FHIR APIs check this link to see the available targets to be filtered.


It is possible to join multiple tables/docs under a single data frame. Naturally, this requires some relation to exist between the different tables. In case of SQL databases, it uses the native relations defined in the model; for NoSQL these relations have to be defined manually. Please check Firebase for details.

To combine multiple tables define the property include with a list of one or more linked tables. The include can also be nested.

  - query:
database: database_id
table: table
- table: nested_table
fields: [field1, field2]
- table: nested_table_level_2
# ...


The property timestampField allows the configuration of how the system will filter data by date. If no timestamp field is defined, or if the database doesn't have time data, all data will be retrieved.

You can set a global timestampField on the main database config, if all tables share the same property name:

  - id: database_id
timestampField: myTimestampField
# ...

Or a different value for each table/doc:

  - id: database_id
timestampField: myTimestampField
# ...
timestampField: otherName

Please check the corresponding database page for more information.